... thou shalt behold either a fire [? flame] resembling a boy, dancing upon the surface of the waves of air [? æther]; or even a flame that hath no shape, from which a voice proceeds; or [yet] a wealth of light around the area [of sight], strident, a-whirl. Nay, thou shalt see a horse as well, all made of fire, a-flash with light; or yet again a boy, on a swift horse's back astride - a boy clad all in flame, or all bedecked with gold, or else with nothing on; or even shooting with a bow, and standing on horse-back. (Proclus)

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Parsifal's Spear of Destiny: Jackpot |
I stumbled upon the website "Art of Obama" where viewers are encouraged to post any art depicting Obama. I noticed a visual theme quickly developed, led by Dan Lacey, of a naked Obama riding a Unicorn.... often doing battle with Bears and naked Rush Limbaughs.
CAN: ORIGIN Old English cunnan [know] (in Middle English [know how to] ), related to Dutch kunnen and German können; from an Indo-European root shared by Latin gnoscere ‘know’ and Greek gignōskein ‘know.’
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take yr protein pills |
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end ever |
metasync |
Now that we have the Grail, all that's left is the end of the world.
Big O (= the hero? . . . quite an Odyssey!)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Big O or The Big O may refer to:
- Barack Obama (born 1961), 44th President of the United States
Other uses:

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Pyra-midos = "Fire in the Middle" |
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"... and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God." (MizzieJ) |
the medium is the mass age |
Barack Obama is the Platonic philosopher king we’ve been looking for for the past 2,400 years.
Plato argued that without a philosopher king there could be neither happiness (V, 473e, VI, 500d-3) nor personal perfection (VI, 499a-b). Therefore, none of us will attain the four excellences required for true unity — each of our souls will remain internally divided, broken (IV, 441c-d, 443c-e) — until the philosopher king arrives.

Thus, Plato wrote:
[W]e have to fix our souls – our souls are broken in this [city-state]. . . .
. . . [The philosopher king is] the only person in this race who has a chance at healing this [city-state].
Or was that Michelle Obama?
Oh. It was Mrs. Obama. Either way, it works. Mr. Obama will fulfill the Platonic prophecies.
But he’ll do even more. He won’t just heal our city-states and souls. He won’t just bring the Heavenly Kingdom — dreamt of in both Platonism and Christianity — to earth. He will heal the earth itself. (Micah Tillman, July 10, 2008)
the fool brings healing
ORIGIN Middle English : perhaps from Old Norse kunnandi ‘knowledge,’ from kunna ‘know’ (related to can 1 ), or perhaps fromMiddle English cunne, an obsolete variant of can 1 . The original sense was [(possessing) erudition or skill] and had no implication of deceit; the sense [deceitfulness] dates from late Middle English .
A friend just posted this image on facebook:
A little further down on the news feed:
This reminded me that lately I've been thinking of Chiron as the Psychic (Uranian) Surgeon/Healer. I also like the mention of "John of God".
